Become a Yamaha Dealer

Thank you for your interest in Yamaha. Our dealer network is our foundation and strength. We strive to have all of our dealers feel like true partners, working together to ensure mutual success.

Tell us about yourself

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your email.
Please enter your phone number in the format 123-456-7890.
Please enter a mobile number that you can reach.
Please select a preferred method of contact.

What Yamaha products are you interested in selling?

About Proposed Location

Please enter your dealer name.
Please enter your current address.
Please enter your city.
Please select your province.
Please enter your postal code with the format "A1A1A1".
Please select if it's a startup or an existing dealership
Please estimated time when your dealership will open
Please provide the size of your dealership.
Please enter the primary area you will be selling in.
Please provide the population of the area where your dealership is located.